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Discover more curiosities about TanzaniteTANZANITE
While perhaps not as popular as diamonds, tanzanite gemstones are roughly 1,000 times rarer.
These gems are found only deep in the foothills of Mount Kilimanjaro. This has made them one of the most intriguing and coveted jewels for collectors.
Essentially, tanzanite is a variety of the mineral zoisite. Tanzanite gemstones are the most famous zoisite stones. They get their colour from the presence of vanadium during their formation. These rare gems are one of the most popular blue stones, second only to blue sapphires.
Because of their rarity, the occurrence of tanzanite stones is referred to as a ‘geological phenomenon’.
For one, violet tanzanite represents majesty. It’s believed to inspire a feeling of awe, mystery and magic. The darker the stone, the more valuable it is and the more luxurious its meaning becomes.
Darker tanzanite stones have long been associated with royalty due to the depth and richness of their colour. They’re also believed to bear strong meaning to one’s accomplishments and dreams, as well as representing guidance to turn big dreams into realities.
Indigo tanzanite gems are believed to represent heart and intellect combined with intuition and purity. These stones are used as symbols of dignity, truth, judgement and longevity.